Mythical Creatures Catalogue
A fantastic zoology repository with information and images of beasts, monsters, deities and any
other being that humans have imagined or dreamed all around the world
A warm welcome to all those wishing to explore the vastness
and intricacy of the mythological kingdom,
First, a word of advice –almost an apology– because, while this site has been created with the sole intention of offering inspiration and amusement to those interested in the zoology of the fantastic, I must declare that a catalogue like the one contained in here is, and will inexorably remain, incomplete.
Human imagination is vast and tireless, and despite my best efforts, cataloguing every single creature that human kind has imagined throughout the centuries is an unachievable –and very intimidating– goal. Nonetheless, I’m committed to search and research the peculiarities and identities of as many mythical creatures as possible, particularly those that are most cryptic and which nature is less known. To that end, new creatures will be added to the catalogue every month. These newly catalogued creatures will be featured in the Home page, so visit us often or you may miss that special creature you have been looking for.
On the other hand, if you are searching for something in particular, the rest of the catalogue is easy to explore, alphabetically, if you know the name of the creature you’re looking for, or by category if you’re looking for inspiration or to wonder in the unknown. Each of the creatures and charcaters has been catalogued (and can be searched) according to its (1) abilities and powers, (2) habitat, (3) mythological or folkloric root, (4) region of origin, and (5) type of fantastic being. In addition, a map has been added, to give a visual reference to the region were each creature could be found.
The illustrations included in each creature’s file have been –when possible— taken from ancient records (with few modifications of my own). When historic examples were not available, the illustrations have been based on descriptions from the historical records used to create the creature’s file. For modern creatures (those first described/observed in the past century), the illustrations are based on eyewitness accounts or photographic records (but please, don’t let my historic rigidity get on your way, and re-imagine each creature as it suits you best).
So, whatever the reasons that have brought you here –inspiration in your literary endeavors or an insatiable thirst for magic and fantasy— I wish you the best of luck. May your mythical hunger be quenched.

Who am I?
I’m a researcher by training —and few accidents of life and education— with a fascination for fantastic entities of all sizes, dispositions, and shapes.
Recently, I decided to put my skills to work on behalf of such fascination and what I found was too great to keep for myself. That’s how the Creatures Catalogue came to exist, as a way to share with you everything I’ve discovered in my wanderings through the realm of the fantastic zoology.
Contact Information
Are you looking for a creature and could find it? Would you like to suggest a particular creature to be posted in the catalogue? Interested in contacting us?
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